Monday 21 July 2008


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Last updated: 07/22/2008 09:18:18
Zanu PF
Text: Memorandum of understanding between Zanu PF and MDC
DEAL: Arthur Mutambara speaks after the three leaders of Zimbabwe's main parties signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday, July 21, 2008. (L-R Arthur Mutambara, President Mugabe, President Mbeki and Morgan Tsvangirai)
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Last updated: 07/22/2008 09:18:18 Zimbabwean leaders Robert Mugabe of Zanu PF, Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change-T and Arthur Mutambura of the MDC, signed the following agreement in Harare today in the presence of Southern African Development Community facilitator President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa
We the Parties to this Memorandum of Understanding;
Concerned about the recent challenges that we have faced as a country and the multiple threats to the well-being of our people;
Dedicating ourselves to putting an end to the polarisation, divisions, conflict and intolerance that have characterised our country's politics;
Determined to build a society free of violence, fear, intimidation, hate, patronage, corruption and founded on justice, fairness, openness, transparency, dignity and equality;
Recognising the centrality and importance of African institutions in dealing with African problems, and agreeing to seek solutions to our differences, challenges and problems through dialogue under the auspices of the SADC mediation, supported and endorsed by the African Union;
Acknowledging that we have an obligation of establishing a framework of working together in an inclusive government;
Desirous therefore of entering into a dialogue with a view to returning Zimbabwe to prosperity;
Recognising that such a dialogue requires agreement on procedures and processes that will guide the dialogue.
The 'Memorandum of Understanding' ("MOU") shall mean this written agreement signed by the Principals.
'The Parties' shall mean Zanu PF, the two MDC formations led by Morgan Tsvangirai and by Arthur Mutambara respectively.
'The Principals' shall mean the President and First Secretary of Zanu PF, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, the President of the one MDC formation, Morgan Richard Tsvangirai and the President of the other MDC formation, Arthur Guseni Oliver Mutambara.
2. Declaration of Commitment
The Parties hereby declare and agree to commit themselves to a dialogue with each other with a view to creating a genuine, viable, permanent and sustainable solution to the Zimbabwean situation and, in particular, to implement this Memorandum of Understanding.
3. Representation
The Parties will be represented by two representatives each in the dialogue.
4. Agenda
The Parties have agreed to the following Agenda:
4.1. Objectives and Priorities of a new Government
(i) Restoration of economic stability and growth(ii) Sanctions(iii) Land question
(i) New Constitution(ii) Promotion of equality, national healing and cohesion, and unity(iii)External interference(iv)Free political activity(v) Rule of law(vi) State organs and institutions(vii) Legislative agenda priorities
(i) Security of persons and prevention of violence
(i) Media
(ii) External radio stations
4.2 Framework for a new Government
4.3 Implementation mechanisms
4.4 Global political agreement.
5. Facilitation
The Dialogue shall be facilitated in accordance with the SADC and AU resolutions.
6. Time frames
The Dialogue commenced on 10 July 2008 and will continue until the Parties have finalised all necessary matters, save for short breaks that may be agreed upon for purposes of consultation. It is envisaged that the Dialogue will be completed within a period of two weeks from the date of signing of this MOU.
7. Venue
The Dialogue shall be conducted at such venues as shall be determined by the Facilitator in consultation with the representatives of the Parties.
8. Communication with the media
None of the Parties shall, during the Dialogue period, directly or indirectly communicate the substance of the discussion with the media. The parties shall refrain from negotiating through the media, whether through their representatives to the Dialogue or any of their Party officials.
9. Decisions by the Parties
The Parties shall not, during the subsistence of the Dialogue, take any decisions or measures that have a bearing on the agenda of the Dialogue, save by consensus. Such decisions or measures include, but are not limited to the convening of Parliament or the formation of a new government.
10. Interim measures
10.1 Security of persons
(a) Each Party will issue a statement condemning the promotion and use of violence and call for peace in the country and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that the structures and institutions it controls are not engaged in the perpetration of violence.
(b) The Parties are committed to ensuring that the law is applied fairly and justly to all persons irrespective of political affiliation.
(c) The Parties will take all necessary measures to eliminate all forms of political violence, including by non-state actors, and to ensure the security of persons and property.
(d) The Parties agree that, in the interim, they will work together to ensure the safety of any displaced persons and their safe return home and that humanitarian and social welfare organisations are enabled to render such assistance as might be required.
10.2 Hate speech
The Parties shall refrain from using abusive language that may incite hostility, political intolerance and ethnic hatred or undermine each other.
11. The role of SADC and the AU
The implementation of the Global Political Agreement that the Parties will conclude shall be underwritten and guaranteed by the Facilitator, SADC and the AU.
12. Execution of the agreement
This agreement shall be signed by the Principals in the presence of each other and shall be witnessed by the Facilitator.
Signed at Harare this 21st day of July 2008.
Robert G. Mugabe
........................................President, Zanu PF
Morgan R. Tsvangirai
.......................................President, MDC
Arthur G. O. Mutambara
......................................President, MDC
Thabo Mbeki
......................................SADC FacilitatorJOIN THE DEBATE ON THIS ARTICLE ON THE NEWZIMBABWE.COM
All material copyright newzimbabwe.comMaterial may be published or reproduced in any form with appropriate credit to this website

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Michael Chipato

Michael Chipato
Media and Social Consultant

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About Me

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Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Michael Chipato is a social and development scientist currently living in Birmingham.Over the years issues pertaining social inequalities, dictatorship, political oppression and gender disparities have been his research focus.As an artist, journalist and academic Michael's philosophy of life is greatly influenced by Léopold Sédar Senghor (9 October 1906 – 20 December 2001) ... a Senegalese poet, politician, and cultural theorist who served as the first president of Senegal (1960–1980). Senghor was the first African to sit as a member of the Académie française. He was also the founder of the political party called the Senegalese Democratic Bloc. He is regarded by many as one of the most important African intellectuals of the 20th century. Senghor created the concept of Négritude, an important intellectual movement that sought to assert and to valorize what they believed to be distinctive African characteristics, values, and aesthetics..He does not condone oppression and violence in any shape or form.

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